Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pre-iPhone: BellSouth/IBM Simon Personal Communicator (1993)

A cell phone with added PDA functions isn't news today. But in 1993, it was a novel idea. The Simon Personal Communicator, jointly marketed by IBM and BellSouth, was the first mobile phone to add PDA features. It was a phone, pager, calculator, address book, fax machine, and e-mail device in one package, albeit a 20-ounce package that cost $900.


  1. I have one of these for sale with original packaging, batteries and accessories if any collectors are looking for one.

  2. If you still have one of these, devices cardiacfan, I'm interested. robertdwells at gmail

  3. I have one fror sale as well, with charger, 2 batts and case.

  4. Jan, I'm not able to access your Blogger profile. I'm wondering if you could email me about the price you are selling yours for.

    Also, does anyone have a charger/cradle they are willing to sell for the Simon?

    email me at
